Early in my career as an instructional designer, I studied Dick and Cary’s “Systematic Design of Instruction.” I still rely on its simple procedural framework to define for the uninitiated which steps should be tackled first. As a new designer working in a corporate consulting firm where rapid meant better, I learned Michael Allen’s “Guide […]
Below is a digital story I created called “Learning to Listen.” On the surface, I decided to tell it because I could use it as an example of the kind of story that my future students would create. But personally, I decided on this story because the moment, when my colleague John gave me the compliment “Your […]
Over the summer, I did a second 3-day workshops with CDS. It was lead by Joe Lambert their Executive Director. Much like the first, it was fun, hard-work, frustrating, satisfying, and touching. The main difference was that it was with faculty from Mercy College, all of whom are truly collaborative and supportive colleagues. In the […]
Continue reading about Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) Workshop II
It began with a meeting, well a gathering of educators. The Faculty Learning Community never has a meeting, it’s a ‘doing’. In this gathering, we highlighted Digital Storytelling as a kind of authentic assessment that could replace a traditional research paper in the Freshmen Seminar course. This lead to a strong partnership with myself and […]
Continue reading about Evolution of Digital Storytelling at Mercy College
In Dec. 2011, I did a presentation telling the story or ‘Evolution’ of digital storytelling at Mercy College. But about 8 months prior, I had a chance to practice telling this story at the NERCOMP annual meeting in Providence, RI. I was going to be on a panel moderated by none other than Bryan Alexander, […]
Continue reading about Implementing Digital Storytelling on the Small Campus
In 2010, I did a 3-day workshop with the CDS. It was fun, terrible, awesome, rewarding, and touching all at once. To 8 strangers, I told a story that I would not have dared to share. But because of the supportive nature of the group I was able to handle it. The story is called “That Soft […]
Continue reading about Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) Workshop I