Matt Listens

Taken during production on an iPad.

Below is a digital story I created called “Learning to Listen.”  On the surface, I decided to tell it because I could use it as an example of the kind of story that my future students would create. But personally, I decided on this story because the moment, when my colleague John gave me the compliment “Your a great Listener,” has been burned into my memory. I have always honored that compliment, but wasn’t sure why.  This story was an attempt to unpack the reason this was so important and the result is the story below.

For this project, I challenged myself to ONLY use an iPad.  I used iMovie and a handful of other apps (Camera Roll, PS Express, Dropbox, and Pages to name a few). It was a challenge because doing a digital story with the iPad was new to me. The biggest challenge was figuring out ways to get the media I wanted onto the ipad.  For example, I used the iPad’s video camera to capture video from a larger TV screen. It was the quickest way to do this and it went right into iMovie.

I can see that students will benefit from creating a story like this.  They will become better at self-reflection. Because of this general skill it can easily fit into diverse curricular areas. Liberal arts, business, social science, and even hard sciences could benefit from this process. Even outside of academic settings it has applications. It could be used in career centers, helping students to promote themselves professionally.

Please watch Learning to Listen and let me know what you think… believe me I’ll listen to you!

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