I had the distinct pleasure of attending a film festival in Dobbs Ferry, where a handful of digital stories, created by Mercy College students, were screened. Just a little background, these students are not filmmakers, they are aspiring educators, scientist, business leaders… a range of disciplines. There was a Math story! After the screening students […]
My colleagues and I were excited to present our eportfolio design to the participants at the Re-Bundling Higher Education: High Impact ePortfolio Practice Conference at Guttman Community College. The full title for our presentation was “ePortfolio as Book-Ends in a Transformative General Education Program.” Check out the slides here and below are some photos. One of my faculty […]
Early in my career as an instructional designer, I studied Dick and Cary’s “Systematic Design of Instruction.” I still rely on its simple procedural framework to define for the uninitiated which steps should be tackled first. As a new designer working in a corporate consulting firm where rapid meant better, I learned Michael Allen’s “Guide […]