matt-and-empieI’m Matt Lewis, a world-traveling educator, passionate storyteller, ardent media producer, and in my spare time a comedic improviser. After completing my undergraduate studies, I taught English in Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and Turkey. I discovered that I enjoyed planning curricula and classes, so I pursued a career as an instructional designer. Now I partner with faculty to address issues that arise with student engagement in all types of educational environments. In my toolbox I have a variety of strategies to offer my clients, which usually revolve around integrating technology.

I assembled this eportfolio in order to showcase work where I had creative control. I’ve grouped the work into several categories:
Instructional Design – educational artifacts created for a college-level audience
Teaching – teaching examples and philosophy
Storytelling – short films that reflect on significant life moments
Performance – highlights from my stage and film experience
Web Design – websites and other artifacts I’ve created
Travel – collections of photographs from my travels

These pursuits put me into a creative mode, or in the “flow” as Dr. Csikszentmihalyi would put it (watch his TED Talk). Time stops and I’m fully engaged.  It happens when editing a digital story, facilitating a learning community, or leading a class discussion. When completed, I’m filled with deep satisfaction. It’s my mission in life to continually find my flow as I move from project, to classroom, to performance. The categories linked above and tags to the right will show you some of the results of this state of mind.

Thank you for stopping by, please leave a comment or feel free to contact me!


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