Matt on May 2, 2011

Heard this TED talk today and kept thinking about how this relates to performing improv.  Answering “Why” isn’t just a business/organizational need but also an improvisational MUST!  In improv terms the “What” is often a silly premise, but people only chuckle at this.  When you make sense by answering why it’s happening in this silly […]

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Matt on April 2, 2010

Each semester the faculty at Mercy College gather together for a full day conference, we call it Faculty Seminar Day.  The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, a faculty-driven center, selects the theme, organizes the event, and delivers a highly valued service to the college community. The Spring 2012 began our close relationship with Melissa Peet […]

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I filmed and produced the following for the March 16th ‘all-hands’ faculty seminar day.  Although only 3 minutes, all were happy with the impact.

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